Construction of health facilities
- TB and MDR-TB
- Isolations: Ebola, Cholera
- Study of flow and sizing design
- Construction site supervision
Storage and management of drugs (pharmacies)
- Sizing of temperature-controlled chain
- Sizing of cold chain
- Building design
- Selection of equipment and furniture Implementation and asssessment of basic logistics
Hospital hygiene
- Collection and treatment of medical waste
- Minimize the risk of transmission of nosocomial infections
- Universal precautions, HIV
- Control of air quality, TB, IRA
- Vector Control, Malaria, Dengue
Environmental Infection Control
- Prevention strategy
- Definition and evaluation of contingency plans
- Emergency Technical Response
Solid Waste Management
- Quantification and qualification of waste production
- Collection, transportation and storage
- Selective sorting and treatment
- Infectious waste management
Wastewater management
Access to drinkable water
- Hydrogeological analysis
- Identification of water needs
- Identification of available resources
- Chemical and biological water quality
- Water vulnerability and protection
Water engineering
- Spring catchment, wells, boreholes
- Permanent and temporary storage
- Treatment of drinking water
- Distribution (network sizing, emergency distribution)
Bureau d'étude technique pour les acteurs du développement international – Technical design office for international development actors