We design complete projects and provide you with all the technical documents for their achievement. All design activities begin by actively listening to your needs and motivations which will be translated into precise and written technical specifications where the deliverables will be defined. The design choices will be oriented to appropriate techniques that require minimal maintenance.


Often linked to an assessment of the needs on the ground, we study your objectives and offer operational approaches, we identify potential bottlenecks and establish a global budget. We will provide the elements and tools to help you make the right decisions, anticipate problems and optimize your funds to achieve the best result.

Planning :

When the policy is established, we determine the resources needed (knowledge, personnel, budget) and we establish the timing and logical structure of the project by defining the activities and performance indicators.

Design and sizing:

We design and size the technical works that we recommend based on your needs. It may be small works which combine with existing structures such as wells, septic tanks or larger structures such as hospitals, schools, levees. We also design organizational structures, evaluate the staff and training needs. We will provide the plans the technical details as well as pieces written for the tender procedure and the execution of works.

Prescription of equipment and furniture

We can also assist you in the definition and choice of furniture and equipment.

Bureau d'étude technique pour les acteurs du développement international – Technical design office for international development actors