Construction and rehabilitation of TB and MDR-TB centres, Niger

Technical assistance for the construction and rehabilitation of medical structures for TB and multi-drug resistant TB patients in Niger. Save the Children International.  August 2018 – April 2019.

The mission aims to ensure the proper implementation of environmental measures for infection control in a rehabilitation and construction program of medical facilities for TB patients and multidrug-resistant TB patients in order to ensure compliance with WHO’s international guidelines for the control of respiratory infections. The program, financed by the Global Found, includes the rehabilitation of the anti-tuberculosis centre of Niamey, the rehabilitation and construction of the anti-tuberculosis centres in the regional hospitals of Maradi and Tahoua, as well as the construction of specific laboratories in seven health centres in Niamey and in the regions. 

Environmental measures implemented for the prevention and control of infections mainly concern natural ventilation, minimum surfaces and equipment, organization and furnishing of spaces, finishing materials as well as the flow of various users and the proximity between services. The main tasks carried out by Interacta consist in architectural recommendations, review of all the projects documents, control of the construction sites, reporting and reception of works. Technical data sheets for the circuits, furniture, cleaning and personal protective equipment were produced at the end of the project for the users.

INTERACTA assisted the NGO Save the Children International from August 2018 until April 2019 and worked in close and permanent collaboration with the project managers and the architects. All the renovations and constructions planned in the final program were completed and received in March 2019. This mission follows the evaluation conducted for WHO in May 2017.