Technical assessment for the renovation of Isoko and Mbozi Mission Hospitals in Tanzania

Technical assessment for the development of master plans on structural and functional renovation of Isoko and Mbozi Mission Hospitals in Tanzania, Mission 21, March June  2019

Isoko Mission Hospital and Mbozi Mission Hospital are two medical structures owned by the Moravian Church and located in Southeast Tanzania, near the borders of Malawi and Zambia. Both hospitals provide good quality health care in rural and sometime remote areas. Maternal and child health as well as obstetrics represent the main activities of the two structures. But buildings and equipment are old and renovations are needed. The buildings of Mbozi Missions Hospital date for most of them from years 50s and 60s. The Isoko Mission Hospital was completed in 1966 but the first construction on the site date from the early 20th century.

The objective of the mission is therefore to produce a technical and functional assessment of both structures and to propose a development and renovation plan. Two complementary evaluations were conducted in parallel. The first concerns the constructive and architectural aspects of structures, the second focusing on energy, water and sanitation. Infection prevention and control measures and procedures were given special attention. Flows of users as well as the consistency and functionality of the circuits were also considered. Buildings, networks, equipment and procedures were observed and studied during a field visit to the sites.

The final report includes, for each structure, the compilation and analysis of the data collected as well as proposals for renovation work with priorities and financial estimate.

This mission is the continuity of the previous assessment carried out in 2017 for Geneva Hospital (HUG).