Project proposal: “Resilience of the inhabitants of Banconi district to the floods”, Bamako, Mali. Luxembourg Red Cross. Oct. Nov. 2017

Banconi is a dense and popular area, highly exposed to floods, with poor wastewater management and a serious problem of domestic waste management. The presence of stagnant water in the streets leads to the proliferation of multiple disease vectors, including mosquitoes transmitting malaria, the first pathology identified in the area. To improve the living conditions and resilience to flooding of the population, different aspects of the habitat are taken into account: housing, sanitation, access to water, environment.

The project proposal includes the reinforcement of homes for poor families, the construction of toilets and soak-away pits, the construction of rainwater sinusoïdal drainage and small sewage systems as well as the creation of infiltration areas planted with trees. Training sessions on selective sorting of domestic waste and support to the installation of junk shops complete the project. Activities are implemented with the participation of the community.